All this expression of floral language and romantic sentiment has been made into such a vast commercial operation that one wonders how the whole thing got started.
But it's a lyrical romantic quality founded on fact, not just sweet romantic sentiment.
I hadn't noticed the waiter but was touched by his romantic sentiment, my solo status clearly disturbing him more than me.
Apparently, linking romantic sentiments to the high-tech device of the moment gives them extra credibility.
Her songs offer fairly standard romantic sentiments, but they adeptly break up repeated riffs with just enough pop tunefulness.
This romantic sentiment is of course expressed by warriors down through history, though it may run counter to the art of war itself.
It was just the kind of gesture that would appeal to whatever romantic sentiment working in a place like this hadn't ground out of them.
It can be soothingly pensive, or express romantic sentiment.
Most of the time, she brought a tender restraint to her most romantic sentiments.
Do not be misled by romantic sentiment, Caesar.