But others involve long-term repairs or new construction, ranging from roof replacement to the installation of new boilers.
These smaller systems are usually the preferred option on smaller scale construction jobs such as roof replacement, kitchen remodels, and garage clean-outs.
A sign in the lobby advises that City Center is undergoing renovations that include a roof replacement.
In 1986, it gave $2,500 for stained-glass repairs; in 1991, $4,000 for roof replacement, and, now, $3,500 for the tower restoration.
Before a roof replacement the roof carried a pile of stones designed to look like they had fallen into ruin.
The garage has had one roof replacement but maintains its historic integrity.
Suspended ceilings are installed before the roof replacement or repair begins, remain in place throughout the project, and are removed upon completion.
For the same reason, houses in the Southern states usually need roof replacement before those in the Northern states.
The $3-4 million renovation will include the installation of "SmartBoards" in all 78 classrooms, improved lighting, roof replacement, and repainting the entire school.
It is estimated that liquid roofing is 70% less expensive than overall roof replacement in refurbishment situations.