Can installing a green roof save you money?
Covered in native vegetation and having an expected lifetime of fifty years, this green roof will not only save the USPS approximately $30,000 a year in heating and cooling costs, but will also significantly reduce the amount of storm water contaminants entering the municipal water system.
The library's green roof saves about $4,000 a year in energy savings.
The roof, which costs no more than a fleet of small cruisers, has saved many a match from delay, even though it is sort of like adding turbo to a car; it's just something else to go wrong.
But a green roof could save you money - while saving the environment - in the end.
A green roof could save you money on your electric bill.
How to Cut Molding How to Make Your Attic More Than an Attic Can installing a green roof save you money?
He said particular attention would be paid to the state's 6,000 private schools, which sometimes use thatched roofs to save money.
However, over its lifetime, the green roof would save about $200,000.
The roof saved him from a serious injury; when he tumbled off the eave, he fell only six feet to the sand.