The rooms consist of platforms on various levels, connected by ladders and sliding poles.
The two rooms consisted of a combination kitchen and living area, and a smaller sleeping room.
This was not, in fact, a flat roof, but a room consisting of a force field in the shape of a glass dome.
The rooms consisted of skeletons that were dressed with jewelry.
These rooms consists of natural beauties found in Bangladesh.
A poustinia cabin or room generally consists of a bed, a table and chair, a cross, and a Bible.
The rooms consisted of an ante room for students, an apparatus room, and a classroom.
The rooms consist of one bedroom, a living room, bathroom and kitchen.
Four-bedded rooms consist of two rooms divided by a curtain.
Each room consists of 1 to 3 actors and for the outside portion of the house there are typically 4 to 5 actors.