The room resounded with the chorused cries as the Galanae welcomed their queen.
Every room and gallery of the house resounded with sobs and shrieks of despair.
Here's what happens: Doors burst open, there is a whoosh of cold air and, suddenly, the room resounds with what brass instruments can do.
The large room resounded with the echoing blast of the heavy charge.
The room, full of students, faculty members and some professionals, resounded with applause.
The room resounded with the groans of the general's writhing euphoria.
As the general leapt over the table toward Richard, the room suddenly resounded with a peal of thundering noise.
The room resounded with an embarrassing silence as everyone avoided looking at Sylvie.
Within a few moments the room resounded with the excited screams of guomic battle.
The room once again resounded to stamping approval.