For its branch in Bilbao, Spain, the Guggenheim has asked Mr. Serra to create a room-size installation of monumental steel sculptures, including seven new ones.
Over 70 pieces, a number of them room-size installations, will come to Tate Modern from April to September next year.
These days the inner voice usually speaks out - as it does in "Whirlwind," a room-size installation from 1996.
Yusei Ogino creates room-size installations full of references to Western art that are like a decorator's scheme gone haywire.
The room-size installation titled "There Was and There Was Not" in the rear gallery at American Fine Arts falls into the latter category.
And finally, Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt's room-size installation constitutes a show, and a wonderful one, in itself.
Its founder, Larry Aldrich, bought the house in 1964 - just as artists, whose work had hung on walls or stood on pedestals for centuries, began creating room-size installations.
Mr. Miyajima said that, with these ideas in mind, he created "Floating Time," a room-size installation that is the centerpiece of his show.
Prices range from $15,000 for a smaller piece to $50,000 for a room-size installation.
Pepon Osorio, a native of Puerto Rico living in New York, is known for room-size installations that try to replicate real life.