This view is rooted in the separation of management and education within schools and suggests a greatly increased emphasis upon the former by senior staff.
The notion of global cities is rooted in the concentration of power and capabilities within all cities.
And when he squeezed their tender roundness while still rooted deep within her, she couldn't bear it.
Bradford's conservatism was rooted within the heritage and traditions of the American South.
"This government is without a shadow of a doubt rooted within the constitutional charter" which has defined Italy's democratic structures since 1948, he said.
They were part of her, rooted deep within her heart and soul.
Much of his work is rooted in London, most recently within the influences of psychogeography.
"The bamboo so firmly rooted within our hedges Will send out distant shoots to please its convenience?"
I am all in favour of a directive, but it must be rooted in fundamental changes within European culture as a whole.
This is another reason why it is important that the partnership for growth and employment should be even more firmly rooted within our societies.