Simon hopelessly lifted his empty hands as the beast padded slowly down the trunk, ropy muscles bunching beneath the short fur.
Pike was six feet one, with short brown hair and ropy muscles that left him looking slender even though he weighed two hundred pounds.
Despite the ropy muscles and prominent bones, they did not tremble.
Their arms rose and fell, ropy muscles flexing.
Twin buttresses of ropy muscle arched up to support his jaw, so that the head seemed more narrow than the neck.
The camera hugs his long torso and ropy muscles; starkly white against the black of the sky, he seems stripped down to pure hatred.
He was a tall, lanky young man with long, ropy muscles.
The ropy muscles of his face were working like a nest of serpents.
On the starboard side swam a single monster over ten feet long, a ton of ropy muscle with fangs the length of a man's hand.