Several times, Larsen stepped off the mound to dry his right hand with the rosin bag or mop his brow, wet in the 60-degree afternoon.
Rogers said it was dirt mixed with rosin from the rosin bag and wiped it off.
He scooped up the rosin bag, slapped it a few times, then slammed his hand against his glove.
When he kicks the rosin bag, cranes his neck and seems to be searching for something in the sky, he is: his father.
However, poor Mac tosses the rosin bag a little too hard and ends up popping his shoulder back into place.
The pitcher may keep a rosin bag on the rear of the mound to dry off his hands.
Pinson hit the third pitch to left for a double, and Drysdale threw the rosin bag in the air in disgust.
Boleslaw turned the rosin bag around in his hands and looked around the field.
He picked up the rosin bag and flexed his fingers and said simply, "Boley's ready."
Matsuzaka grabbed the rosin bag again before his 250th pitch, squeezed it and then slammed it in the dirt.