In his rosiest dreams, Carmazzi would torch the field.
It was disquieting to face the fact that his somewhat rosy dreams of cooperation between man and animal might be just that-dreams.
His rosy dream of the mainland, decent clothes, respectability, was dying hard.
Of course, the rosy dream has faded, and it's my flat feet on the deck from now to the end of time.
As the rosy dreams of 1945 gave way to harsh reality in the late 1940s, Labour struggled to maintain its support.
After years of rosy dreams, "we are coming to dread pink slips," the Mayor said.
They are painting rosy dreams of their life as husband & wife, until Priya learns that her father has been arrested.
Being the Indispensable Man is a rosy dream only for those people who haven't really had to be one.
When her first day as a new bride ended, she lay in his arms, content, dreaming only rosy dreams of the future.
To find oneself unable to spin rosy dreams?