The small rosy mouth, which had been smiling slightly at its owner's thought, tightened suddenly.
His rosy mouth made little sucking motions in his sleep.
Her rosy mouth opened in dismay as she saw me standing there with Elaine.
Her large dark eyes fairly sparkled, and her rosy mouth was curved up deliciously.
Possum sat on the seat between them, his rosy mouth agape with excitement.
She tapped her rosy mouth with her fan, one delicate dark brow carefully arched.
A pallid girl with round frog eyes watched Rachaela, popping a boiled sweet into her rosy, fatty mouth.
Grace brightened and curled her lush, rosy mouth with anticipation.
She was dressed in a thin white cotton night rail, her usually clear green eyes heavy-lidded with fatigue, her mouth rosy from slumber.
You'll not catch that Talvace with the bait of a black eye and a rosy mouth.