Fort Bliss's rosy prospects are in marked contrast to those of 33 other major installations around the country recommended for closings and hundreds more proposed for reductions.
On the other hand, if the economy improved and the propaganda for the League made rosy the prospect, Borah would have a difficult time.
The rosy prospects of coal traffic proved illusory, however.
But the outcome of that contest is unlikely to affect Israel's rosy economic prospects.
But The Teheran Times said in an editorial on Wednesday, "The rial's slump does not paint a rosy prospect for Iran's economy."
There are other, more rosy prospects for the Democrats.
Despite the rosy prospects of Section Chicago's new paper, the summer of 1899 was a moment of severe political crisis inside the SLP.
"There's a rosy prospect."
We take our pick of good men to start this project up: builders, engineers, environmentalists, medics ..." Gill's eyes gleamed with such rosy prospects.
IT seems a rosy prospect for a building that, but two years ago, seemed to have a quite different destiny.