If you've chosen rot-resistant wood as an edging, you can use 2 by 4's or 2 by 6's.
Outside of protected areas, most old-growth cypress trees in Florida along streams or lakes have been harvested for their rot-resistant wood.
A. I hope your plan includes footings under the fence posts; otherwise even rot-resistant wood will not last long.
Wood siding can also be made of naturally rot-resistant woods such as redwood or cedar.
Many considered it the perfect tree: it produced nourishing food and a rot-resistant wood that was used for everything from furniture to fence posts.
They were used by the surveyors because at that time the very rot-resistant wood was readily available in the bush and was light to carry.
The rot-resistant wood, often called white walnut, is favored by some woodworkers.
Split rail fences were made of easy to split, rot-resistant wood.
The xylophone bars range from five to seven in number and are made of differing lengths of a rot-resistant wood called hazomalagny.
The rot-resistant wood of Trap Pond's baldcypress trees was extensively harvested starting in the 18th century.