With nothing to hold it in place, the inner core can rotate independently.
Like others in the Chamaeleonidae family, it is distinguished by independently rotating eye sockets and a tongue longer than its body.
Their eyes were like a chameleon's, on independently rotating t rets so they could look in two directions at the same time.
A set of pulleys assembled so that they rotate independently on the same axle form a block.
At least one manufacturer offers a crankset in which the crank arms may rotate independently.
The legs rotate independently to 90 degrees forward, and nearly 45 degrees backward.
These mechanical drives are designed to independently rotate 360 degrees.
Each ring rotates independently of the others, yielding a possible 10 (or 100,000) different combinations.
Uniquely, each floor will be able to rotate independently.
In addition, his eyes can rotate independently of one another, allowing him to look in two directions at once.