Giancomo Miraldi determined in 1704 that the southern cap is not centered on the rotational pole of Mars.
This made Neptune appear to be almost a magnetic twin of Uranus, where the offset between the magnetic and rotational poles is 60 degrees.
"This way," she said; "call it north, because it's toward one rotational pole."
This could have potential implications to the effects of WR 104's eventual hypernova, since these explosions often produce jets from their rotational poles.
The marker was still covering the rotational pole.
Uranus is unusual in that the obliquity of its ecliptic is 82 (angle between the orbital and rotational poles).
His most famous astronomical discovery was that the ice caps on Mars are not exactly on the rotational poles of that body.
It is uncorrected for the displacement of Earth's geographic pole from its rotational pole.
The rotational poles of Orcus probably coincide with the orbital poles of its moon, Vanth.
All the magnetic fields we had seen were near the rotational poles ofthe planets.