He could see Nick's rotund form from a block away.
She had a sudden vision of the designer's rotund form draped in green surgical scrubs.
Under it, the governor wore a one-piece leather outfit that accentuated his rotund form.
Zarin thought, perhaps unkindly, that it had to do a great deal of adjusting to conform to Kell's rotund form.
A stark contrast to his rotund form as this body is highly muscled and berserk.
A moment later, the rotund form of the Etolosan envoy shimmered into existence in the rear cabin.
He moved his short, somewhat rotund form easily for an obviously old man.
He drew up his rotund form as the curtain slowly rose.
And that comes in the rotund form of John Candy as the hero's uninhibited brother.
He looked around the dim corridor and finally noticed the rotund form nearby.