A rotund woman in white bounced across the floor.
A rotund woman in blue met them just inside the door.
Katrene, his wife, was a rotund woman who chuckled gaily at everything she said.
When next she is seen Etta is transformed into a spirited, rotund young woman who has a great love of candy.
His soft knock on the door produced a rotund woman in a staff uniform.
Perhaps all the increasingly rotund women in this very public city become symbols of hope - not to mention real-estate values - sustained.
She turned and smiled at the rotund woman coming in.
Mostly teaching tennis to rotund women who will never, never be able to play.
A short, rotund woman with cinnamon skin and deep black hair stepped from the kitchen, dishcloth in hand.
The picture showed a blond, slightly rotund woman sitting with her arm around a young boy on a sofa.