From the bed he stripped the covers, wadded them into a rough cylinder, and ignited the end from the smoldering embers she had knocked to the floor.
Illuminated by sunlight brought through the colony's enormous transparent aluminum end-caps and reflected deep into the great rock's interior by a series of internal and external mirrors, the passage formed a rough cylinder some fifty meters in diameter.
The Air-pig's body was a rough cylinder; now, in its terror, its six eyestalks were fully extended, and its huge, basking maw was pursed up closed.
They were shaved and whittled into rough cylinders with scrapers and knives that peeled off long curled slivers, then they were rubbed smooth with sandstone kept wet to be more abrasive.
ThePrincess Cecile 's hull was a rough cylinder two hundred and thirty feet long and fifty-five feet wide, with bluntly rounded ends.
The synthesis chose his site carefully, and on the stream bank formed a rough cylinder from the material that he was carrying.
The feasting nobles formed a rough cylinder, with Captain Ereshkigal at one end and Descender's place at the other.
The three fleets were spread through a rough cylinder, five light-years deep and three across.
Reaching the rings, the Scavengers choose a fragment approximately one cubic mile in volume, reshape it into a rough cylinder, embed their ships in it, and fly it like a giant ship back to Mars.
A rough cylinder, about 50 kilometers in length and 20 in diameter, it rotated on its long axis in a bit over ten hours; and at the epoch when humans arrived, that axis happened to be almost normal to the orbital plane.