Madame Belhomme, obedient as a frightened dog, had gone to the door and opened it; even her well-feigned grumblings could now be heard and the rough interrogations from the soldiery.
The male described a place specifically set up for rough interrogation.
Instead of getting it, she wound up slated for some rough interrogation by the very men who'd killed her partner.
A rough interrogation of Zazi at this point would be both immoral and counterproductive.
During a rough interrogation, Hill gave his name and nothing else; Vario's attorney later facilitated his release on bail.
At some point in the test, the candidates will be caught and sent to 36 hours of rough interrogation (CAC-training).
He mentioned possible measures like the demolition of houses of suspects and their families, arrests without formal charges and rough interrogations, practices that have led to condemnations by human-rights groups.
-or rough interrogation using drugs could force you to mention its existence.
The work is beyond evoking benign group therapy, and can't help but refer to humankind's alarming history of rough interrogations.
Her threat about the Dark Warriors' taste for rougher interrogation has not been empty.