At a smart trot the Be-don-ko-he war chief led his fellows through the rough mountains.
Should I leave this incomparable flower to wither unseen on these rough mountains?
Mayhap under its stones and rough mountains you may find a treasure!
The name means "rough mountains", so named by the farmers who found its steep terrain and rocky soil difficult to cultivate.
Beyond the jungle, he could see a range tall, new, and very rough mountains in the distance.
The word Geochilsan means rough mountain, probably referring to Hwangnyeongsan, located at the center of the city.
Those big rough mountains to the south are the Mazatzals.
You ain't a young woman, and those are mighty rough mountains.
He had taken the Dragon's Teeth more easily than most, and those are the roughest mountains the gods ever raised.
The rough mountain trails did not lend themselves to the quick and pleasant conduct of necessary legal affairs.