It could not go round curves safely at a speed necessary to maintain the service.
Poles are generally used only on straight windows, but rails and tracks can usually go round curves and bays.
His spotty cheeks still held the last round curves of childhood, though his upper lip sported the fuzz of a hopeful mustache.
Then he picked her up and gently carried her across the room and up the iron stairs, walking slowly round curve after curve, and then into a large and dark southern bedroom.
Inaudible, but convincing, the great inventor expounded his discovery, and sent his obedient little model of the trains of the future up gradients, round curves, and across a sagging wire.
He was seven feet tall, and overweight for a Belter; and that was overweight for anyone, for the fat had gone into his belly and the great round curve of second chin.
A normal cornea has a smooth, round curve.
Articulation is used so larger locomotives can go round curves which would otherwise restrict the size of rigid framed locomotives.
Thus, a face with round curves is well-framed by an angular (linear) neckline and collar, whereas an angular face is softened with curves.