The music suddenly stopped, but we were rounding a comer which cut us off momentarily from the others, and I took a long chance.
The leading edge of each was swaybacked and rounded from countless feet making the journey.
I rounded the corner from my bedroom into the main room and saw Susan reaching for the doorknob.
He could hear the front door open as he rounded the corner from the bedroom and into the living room.
He rounded on her, smoke streaming from his mouth and nostrils.
Twelve rocks, well rounded from previous use, began to mount above each other in a crazy mushroom shape.
This is always reported as a whole number, rounded from the determined capacity.
The floor was composed of stones rounded from long-ago running water.
At long last, he saw a team of medics rounding the corner from the far corridor.
He saw it and Umila, rounding the ship from the other side, almost at the same time.