Today's round proved that a 64 is available at the Magnolia course, meaning a player may come from far back to win.
The first round thus proved inconclusive, leading to a second round in the afternoon.
Several rounds of intervention this summer, coming after the dollar had begun to recover, have proved much more effective.
The second round proved not to be as positive as the first round.
Terry took the head-to-head rounds 3-2 before one slip up from Mark in the final round proved enough for a 5-4 victory.
"The latest round of inaccurate, but damaging rumors has proven to be the final straw," Tarkanian said.
The two rounds of voting on the morning of the second day proved inconclusive and black smoke was again sent out.
The next round of companies, however, may prove to be far more difficult to nail down.
As things stand at present, the prospects are very poor and I find myself wondering what we can offer if this round proves a failure.
This round has already proven to be a success.