Nylan turned to the thin and round-faced girl.
The round-faced girl had shrugged, as if Nylan should have known such.
A stout, round-faced girl with pale hair and a pair of bright blue eyes.
As the mists parted, the image of a messenger in red appeared, a round-faced girl who was new, at least to Cerryl.
A round-faced girl with silky black hair cut in bangs and short on the sides.
Beyond them he saw a round-faced slant-eyed girl crouching by the wall.
A round-faced girl with curly brown hair.
A round-faced jovial girl peeked out at Chet from behind an easel.
"Hi," he said, looking at the round-faced girl with shoulder-length brown hair.
Feet padded back and there were three women now, the old woman, a young round-faced girl, and the middle-aged lady.