Such communications could be sent on a round-the-clock basis, and were characterized as being short, concise and lacking any superfluous terms.
Time constraints and problems with different office hours for international trade are removed as it is possible to operate on a round-the-clock basis.
This kind of intimate exposure has the potential to affect people, particularly vulnerable populations such as infants, children and the elderly, on a round-the-clock basis.
All high city officials were with the mayor at Gracie Mansion virtually on a round-the-clock basis.
Most of the departments in The Yards operated on a round-the-clock basis.
Is the e-marketplace adequately staffed to ensure that services are maintained on a round-the-clock basis, since any down time will impact directly upon your own business?
The Institute operates in on a round-the-clock basis and about 30 percent of the full-time staff work in shifts.
Care and education often happens on a round-the-clock basis.
Electricity and other vital services have to be restored on a round-the-clock basis throughout Iraq.
Crowded sidewalks and furious night-shift activity in thousands of lighted windows gave proof that the big base worked on a round-the-clock basis.