He'd just spent seventeen days making an arduous, impromptu round-trip journey with his children, who had pestered him with an endless barrage of questions.
There are no climaxes or denouements, no round-trip journeys in the sonata-form tradition.
A round-trip journey for the entire Green Line costs $4.75, and an average one-way trip is about $2.
In a round-trip journey of more than 5,000 miles, he pursued the latest holy grail of Asia: the Chinese tourist.
Service is limited to four round-trip journeys a day.
A1 Flawed diamond is clue to a round-trip journey for earth's crust.
Rail tickets, which allow travel for one-way or round-trip journeys between cities.
He completed the round-trip journey to Peking in less than fourteen months.
Dr. Berger defines migration, in contrast to simple movement, as a round-trip journey between different habitats in specific seasons.
Each was offered $800 to $1,000 for the round-trip journey, which should have lasted 10 to 12 days.