A 31-day trip for juniors that includes matches, round-trip transportation, sightseeing, meals and accommodations starts at $2,500.
The service is expected to provide round-trip transportation for approximately 1,100 people each weekend, the officials said.
The contract also includes three-day bereavement leave as well as round-trip transportation if a family member dies back home.
The $32 charge includes a lift ticket and same-day round-trip transportation.
For $3.99 a person, we were promised round-trip transportation, equipment and instruction.
Rentals cost from $99 each, including round-trip transportation from the Strip (reservations required).
The tour costs $1,425 a person and includes round-trip transportation from San Diego.
The cost is $225, which includes, if necessary, round-trip transportation from Manhattan.
The expenses, including round-trip transportation, were picked up by the school.
A full day program costs $58 a day, or $78 including round-trip transportation.