Maren says that "MEG" was "roundly dismissed by critics for its lack of scientific plausibility and literary merit."
Steinem's position was roundly dismissed as a scholastic contortion of logic, performed to protect her ideological friend Bill Clinton.
All these excuses were roundly dismissed as purposeful cheating.
But when her first collection was roundly dismissed ("A Fiasco!"
Both September Storm and 3-D in general were roundly dismissed by influential critic Bosley Crowther in his New York Times review.
Her testimony was roundly dismissed as "the imaginings of a neurotic spinster."
But the meeting comes after a dispiriting week in which Mr. Gulotta's drafts of budget plans were roundly dismissed by leaders of both parties.
Saturday, the 25-year-old son, roundly dismissed as a stiff who would be lucky to last 15 seconds, was fighting for respect.
Georgia Tech was roundly dismissed at the start of this season.
Economics has been roundly dismissed as a miserable science, and to the layman its contradictory conclusions and evident practical inabilities are more likely to provoke scorn than respect.