It wasn't a rousing endorsement.
He gave a powerful accounting of his Presidency and a rousing endorsement of AI Gore.
His address was a mea culpa and a rousing endorsement of the American war effort.
There were no rousing endorsements of Mr. Bloomberg's proposal.
This rousing endorsement of charter schools is astonishing, given that there is no evidence that these institutions are the long-term answer for raising academic performance.
It was hardly a rousing endorsement.
Turn on a radio talk show and one hears more anti-Joe Walton comments than rousing endorsements.
Clinton, who gave Yeltsin a rousing endorsement, last month proposed increasing American aid to improve Russia's economy and support democracy.
The suggestions constitute a rousing endorsement of an institution that has benefited the arts and the public for 25 years.
While hardly a rousing endorsement of the agreement, the Assad remarks were a step back from the earlier Syrian criticism.