Avensa overtook many of the international routes formerly flown by Viasa after that airline collapsed in 1997.
Airlines have increasingly turned over unprofitable routes flown by jets to turboprops, which are less expensive to operate.
And that draws still smaller planes onto routes once flown by the 757's.
These privileges can be income level, routes flown, types of aircraft, work schedules and positions.
The airline also has an agreement on selected routes flown by Air Philippines.
WhichBudget (www.whichbudget.com) Up-to-date listings of routes flown by budget airlines.
These were the only routes flown by the carrier that did not directly serve the Cayman Islands.
Trying to pick up the slack, other carriers were changing routes, putting bigger planes on routes flown by American and adding flights.
Most long-range routes flown with those jets can be covered by the newer 777's.
Thus, passengers could be booking seats on routes flown by 757's in October.