For example, if a route loses one of two competitors, the average fare rises by about 30 percent.
A proposed wage cut and closure of Leyton garage led to srike action which saw the routes lost.
On 26 March 2011, This route was up for tender and lost to First Capital.
On 3 September 2011, this route was up for tender and lost to First Capital.
But when rail was eclipsed by the automobile, the route lost its relevance.
When that line opened on 23 August 1875, the route via Weipert lost a significant portion of its through traffic.
Past the diamond interchange at SR-201, the route loses two lanes in each direction.
This route lost its significance after the division of German.
Other routes went inside and lost you in mazes that could not be solved by follow-the-left-wall.
The bus depot closed in 2007, as the route was losing money.