Careful where he stepped through the inches-deep ground mist, Laverne followed Vulpe's exact route, passed through the same gap in the wall and moved deeper into the ruins.
The selected route passed through the area inhabited by the Mortons and a few fellow pioneer families.
The route passed through a wood and George was off like a Baldersdale-bred hare.
Much of the route passed through a vast wilderness interspersed here and there by a few old settlements and towns.
The poor performance of Bexleybus resulted in the route being passed to Boro'line towards the end of 1988.
Entering the Stura valley, the route passed through a 6 m defile known as the Barricades.
Bypass US 60 was a loop around the city of Owensboro; the main route passed through the downtown area.
Its main route passed through the village and a branch of the canal was built between Grove and Wantage.
This was not an option at Shrewley, as the route passed under the village.
His information on routes passed on to U. S. Customs was described as "the most important piece of information" they had received.