First ascents are notable because they entail genuine exploration, with greater risks, challenges, and recognition than climbing a route pioneered by others.
In following the route pioneered by Vidal Sassoon, Mr. Fekkai isn't limiting himself to beauty products.
The classic climb following the route first pioneered by Owen, known as the Owen-Spalding route, is rated at 5.4 due a combination of concerns beyond the gradient alone.
Dragonair is now owned by Cathay Pacific flying some of the routes originally pioneered by HKA.
It followed the route pioneered by earlier explorers along the coast of Africa via Tenerife and the Cape Verde Islands.
Amundsen was followed by Robert Falcon Scott from the Terra Nova over a month later, using the route pioneered by Shackleton.
Most trucking companies still follow the east-west routes pioneered by the nation's railroads in the 19th century, which, for the most part, are more competitive and therefore less profitable than those crossing the north-south borders.
In 1960, he made the second ascent of The Nose on El Capitan in Yosemite Valley, a route pioneered by Warren Harding in 1958.
Another route, pioneered by the Xerox Corporation, is to merge 401(k) assets with those in a company's defined benefit plan.
The first technical ascent was in 1957 via a route pioneered by Royal Robbins, Mike Sherrick, and Jerry Gallwas today known as the Regular Northwest Face.