A route that the cloaked driver couldn't even see before he veered for it.
After this pass, the route veers east and enters Burgers Pass.
Also, immediately south of Berkeley Springs, the projected route would veer further east to avoid the downtown area.
After some miles in a northerly direction, the route veered to the west, along a secondary highway.
Just as the route veers onto Boundary does the line reach its next station.
From the 19th-century gold-rush town of Charters Towers, the route veers back to the coast.
The route veers to the northeast before terminating at SR-118.
From this promontory at 27,600 feet, the route veers sharply off the ridge to the south toward Camp Four.
Along this stretch, the route veers to the northwest and southeast as it heads through an area of wilderness.
Between there and the community of Kimball, the route veers several times to avoid natural obstacles.