For any of the 190 other nations in the world organization, those would be routine events.
But in this instance, that fact alone added more than passing interest to an otherwise routine event.
In a city where riots, road accidents and murders are routine events, many corpses remain unidentified every day.
Some say formerly routine events, like visiting friends or throwing parties, have become a headache.
This is a fairly routine event for him, so he must also be infection-proof, but that medical mystery does not seem to interest the makers of "Bulletproof."
The survival instinct was more basic than these routine events; all his faculties were being marshalled to meet this threat.
Rhode Island's disaster plan before Sept. 11 emphasized more routine events, like hurricanes and bus crashes.
The President and the Prime Minister appeared together on Friday on state television at a routine ceremonial event.
Since this has become a fairly routine event in recent months, perhaps the Navy could fix its fences.
Although undesirable, a magnet quench is a "fairly routine event within a particle accelerator".