Still, an average jumper's daily routine involves a Jacuzzi before the show and aspirin after.
His daily routine involves working on the Stairmaster, Lifecycle, doing some light weight lifting and running in a water treadmill to keep pressure off his leg.
Typically, his routine would involve dressing in outlandish outfits, sprint along the floor, and doing jumping jacks or push-ups.
Indeed, many routines involve a copper-silver transposition, in which a British Penny and a half dollar change places.
The routine of kingship in Edwin's time involved regular, probably annual, wars with neighbours to obtain tribute, submission, and slaves.
American comedienne Margaret Cho's routines involve her love for his films.
The normal daily routine involved getting up at around 6am and stopping for a long lunch at midday in order to avoid the most intense heat.
One routine involved him riding a custom-built 13 cm high bicycle while singing the folk song "From the Highlands and the Lowlands".
The five-in-five routines involve squatting, lunging, pushing, bracing and rotating.