The word 'significant' is used to exclude the low levels of pain or discomfort experienced by many people in carrying out routine domestic tasks.
Automatic equipment meant that many of the relatively routine tasks could be done more quickly and more accurately.
Many routine tasks become impossible chores, which can psychologically drain these individuals.
But already, the army of workers is shrinking as they are detailed to new, more routine tasks.
The disease, also called pulmonary arterial hypertension, can make even routine tasks an ordeal.
These duties are classified as routine tasks involving no risk for the patient.
Even the most routine tasks contained elements of danger.
That with enough time and space, I've been able to enjoy even routine tasks?
They can happen during even the most routine tasks, such as when a hospital patient on a salt-free diet is given a high-salt meal.
She most certainly was incapable of anything but the simplest, most routine tasks.