Much of the improvement in survival has resulted from the now routine use of cyclosporin as an immunosuppressive agent.
However, ipecac's effectiveness in preventing pediatric deaths with routine use of ipecac at home has never been proven.
But routine use can cause serious problems, such as gastrointestinal bleeding.
They may choose typefaces for special pages, but newspapers usually have a design style that determines most routine uses.
Only fairly recently have advances in instrumental technology allowed routine use of Auger spectroscopy as an analytical tool.
One may assume however that it would be comparable to the ultrasound time-of-the-flight methods, and thus insufficient for a routine clinical use.
The tests are not simple, are often part of research or trials, and some have been accepted for routine clinical use.
Older methods such as fecal bile acid quantification or the 14C-glycocholic breath test are no longer in routine clinical use.
G-clefs, while used infrequently throughout the period, did not come into completely routine use until the later 16th century.
For most routine uses, 3000 psi to 4000 psi concrete is often used.