It is her job to keep them happy and routinely accept every marriage proposal.
Even older children routinely accept the information they receive from television without questioning it.
The deeper problem is that so many colleges routinely accept students who have no interest in receiving a diploma.
Our belief becomes stronger when it is not mindlessly and routinely accepted.
For example it may not allow cross examination and hearsay or oral evidence is routinely accepted.
The standard broker-client contract requires just that, but until now, courts have routinely accepted such cases anyway.
Her superiors saw the expenditures listed on the bank statement, but routinely accepted them as legitimate.
Before they created a code of best practices in 2005, no errors and omissions insurance routinely accepted fair use claims.
Many merchants routinely accept account-to-account transfers as payment for goods.
Hospitals say that in the past, Empire and other carriers routinely accepted a cosignature alone as sufficient.