Everything about them seemed small and insignificant, at least to people who routinely advised CEOs and heads of state.
Many lawyers routinely advise their divorce clients either to seek mediation before going to court, or practice mediation themselves.
Mr. Wegner, for one, routinely advises spouses to give each other durable powers of attorney if they are younger than 60.
Mr. Garrod said he also routinely advised putting in more concrete and steel reinforcing bars at a cost of about $300.
Burke has been highly successful in this role and routinely advises members of the royal family.
The city routinely advises workfare participants of their legal rights, and also provides an administrative forum for the investigation of complaints.
Environmentalists routinely advise people to buy organic food and issue estimates on how many Americans are being poisoned by tiny amounts of pesticides.
Because of these problems, methodologists routinely advise researchers to design research so as to minimize the incidence of missing values.
Her center routinely advised backcountry devotees to avoid north-facing slopes last year in her area.
My colleagues and I routinely advise our patients to work out intensely to build muscle mass.