That would make sequencing so cheap that long stretches of genetic material could be analyzed routinely.
"The Congressional Budget Office routinely analyzes budgets, and think tanks routinely second-guess them," Mr. Litan said.
"As with other large companies, Guinness routinely analyzes possible developments in its industry."
N and O-glycans from glycoproteins are analyzed routinely by high-performance-liquid-chromatography (reversed phase, normal phase and ion exchange HPLC) after tagging the reducing end of the sugars with a fluorescent compound (reductive labeling).
The VCIT routinely and systematically analyzes problems before developing solutions by utilizing a partnered problem-solving process.
The Textile Preservation Association routinely analyzes each flag's materials to determine authenticity.
Seita, which has annual sales exceeding $2 billion, routinely analyzes the penmanship of potential corporate managers.
Steep Hill Lab routinely analyzes samples in the California medical cannabis market for active compounds, microbiological contamination, and pesticides.
For example, At the financial services corporation, the central security group routinely analyzed the causes of security weaknesses identified by management and by auditors in order to identify policy and related control deficiencies.
Among the recommendations were having the safety unit set deadlines for operating departments to correct safety violations, requiring the safety unit to routinely analyze the accident statistics it compiles and ordering the unit to coordinate accident-reporting procedures with other Transit Authority departments.