Still, American soldiers are routinely attacked in the area.
It is time to start recognizing women as a class of people who are routinely attacked with impunity.
Those who excel are routinely attacked by their friends for "selling out" and becoming "white."
Now South routinely attacks clubs, confident that six and a half honor tricks in the combined hands will produce a game.
The opposition press has been bombed and critical journalists have been routinely attacked.
Tanu and Firvulag are sworn enemies, with each race routinely attacking the other.
Not many Americans lose sleep over the news that our contras in Nicaragua routinely attack civilian targets.
And Mr. Torricelli is routinely attacked from both the right and the left.
Food-exporting powers routinely attack Japan as raising barriers against food imports and coddling the farmers behind those walls.
Our party is significant enough to be attacked routinely, but not significant enough to be invited on the programmes.