Agent 999's hunt leads him to a village where residents routinely capture visitors and eat them.
First Nations of Canada routinely captured slaves from neighboring tribes.
This arrangement has also robbed the fans of late-season playoff races: in the 1990's, for instance, the Cleveland Indians routinely captured the A.L. Central by comfortable margins.
Armed with raptorial forelegs, ambush bugs routinely capture prey ten or more times their own size.
Back when the rogue AIs of Shub were still the official enemies of Humanity, they routinely captured and experimented on humans, making them over into monstrosities in their secret laboratories.
Even before last week's attacks, security experts like Mr. Brumley were routinely capturing and archiving conversations on chat channels with the purpose of saving the information so it could be correlated against other data in tracking computer criminals.
The Pakistani military routinely captures and destroy all weapons seized from the Taliban.
Also, conservation programs exist which routinely capture condors, check their blood lead levels, and treat cases of poisoning.
Web sites routinely capture browsing and search history which can be used to provide targeted advertising.
Instead of routinely capturing the jack with the queen, which would have virtually forced West to play for the heart king to fall later, Mitchell laid a cunning trap by winning with the ace.