Most routinely carry doubles, or two bags, on each 18-hole round.
Members routinely carried badges that resembled those used by the police.
However, weapons can easily be obtained in Paraguay and are routinely carried.
Front-line police officers have routinely carried pepper spray since 1997.
They didn't seem big enough to carry more than one or two routinely, any more than human women did.
The Police tend to lobby around their own access to guns, as the service does not routinely carry sidearms.
The aide used a two-way radio that he routinely carried to alert colleagues to the situation.
As a result, competition that once played out in the marketplace is now routinely carried on in the courtroom.
It was only in 1920 that advertising was carried routinely on the trams.
Combat troops routinely carry a separate card that outlines the rules of engagement for using deadly force.