Prosecutors routinely disclose the names of people who may figure in trials, to avoid selecting jurors with conflicts of interest.
On the other hand, she said, old stigmas against home-based businesses make it "counterproductive" to routinely disclose all the details.
Ginger says she routinely discloses her status to partners, but admits that even thinking about these discussions provokes anxiety.
Each of those networks said they would not routinely disclose a purchase of video made by a bystander of a tornado, for example.
During Miller's 1974 campaign, he routinely disclosed his donors and expenses, taking advantage of the Watergate scandal that was still in the minds of voters.
Even gauging it is a challenge, given the reluctance of polling firms and media organizations to routinely disclose response rates.
She did say that the company answered the complaint on May 4 but added that it does not routinely disclose employment suits in its filings.
The previous administration, under Jean Lerman, routinely disclosed such information.
Consumers routinely disclose their earnings in credit applications, and modern databases make it possible for various strangers to find out all about your finances.
But the corporate insurance buyers, known as risk managers, say the brokers do not routinely disclose the details of the payments.