She said pro-Aristide gangs had routinely executed political opponents in Hinche (pronounced ANCH) and dumped their bodies in the river.
It is common for Chinese courts to impose the death penalty on those who have stolen large amounts of money or destroyed valuable property, and large numbers of people are routinely executed.
If anything goes wrong, the handler is routinely executed.
With a routinely executed play, Driessen would have been out at second or he would have been out in a rundown between second and third.
Their fates are unknown (the Soviets routinely executed or exiled their own soldiers who had been captured on the grounds of "treason", even if they had managed to escape from the German captivity), although Iringh, after the war made numerous efforts to find out their fates.
Palestinians accused of collaborating with the Israelis are routinely executed.
Additionally, per the Commissar Order captured Soviet officers and commissars were routinely executed.
Captives were routinely executed.
It was also a configuration which simplybegged any pilot to put the runabout through the same sort of maneuvers pinnaces routinely executed, and to Honor's delight,Candless came very close to matching the nimbleness of the much smaller craft.
Meanwhile, outrageous human rights abuses continue unabated as juveniles and homosexuals are executed routinely.