Tropical fish dealers, he said, have also learned to get around the restrictions by routinely filing false customs declarations and shipping waybills.
But city records show that Olympia & York routinely filed appeals with the Tax Commission.
Businesses in the region still pay journalists under the table, and powerful people routinely file libel suits that get favorable hearings.
To survive often arcane challenges from potential rivals, candidates routinely file at least twice the number of valid signatures required.
Rather, it is brought to the attention of manicurists who routinely file the clawed toenail flat.
Employers may want to identify potential employees who routinely file discrimination lawsuits.
Reporters routinely file Web versions of breaking news long before they file for the newspaper.
Among the largest donors were law firms and lawyers who routinely file malpractice lawsuits against the city's Health and Hospitals Corporation, which runs the public hospitals.
The paper also routinely files local freedom-of-information requests and uploads piles of public records to its Web site.
It routinely files appeals with the Department of Finance challenging tax assessments on its buildings.