Press reports from constituencies around the country routinely identify people as Jats, Rajputs, Yadavs, Nairs, Vanniars or other designations, depending on the region.
Mexico, after all, is still a society where even middle-class families have maids and people routinely identify themselves as "su servidor," literally "your servant."
The New York Times terms the techniques "harsh" and "brutal" while avoiding the word "torture" in most but not all news articles, though it routinely identifies "enhanced interrogation" as torture in editorials.
Therefore, although these tests are highly specific and sensitive, they do not routinely identify all of the mutations that could cause disease.
Throughout her rise to power Ms. Guerrero routinely identified herself as a college graduate with a degree from the University of Texas.
He said that sellers routinely identify a probable winner and give that bidder a chance to raise his offer if he is not the highest.
New York Times articles routinely identify Republicans as 'conservatives,' but you never seem to find any liberals.
We must raise awareness of the symptoms of depression through public education, make screening for depression readily available, and train primary care physicians so they can routinely identify depression in their patients and recommend appropriate treatment.
I'm not just talking about the litany of issues that virtually all the national politicians have come to routinely identify: outdated factories, inadequate schools, lost farms, homelessness, AIDS, drugs and contra scandals.
In particular, the experts say, his efforts to make recruiting more efficient, to hire only certified teachers and to routinely identify and work with struggling principals, could improve student performance in the long term.