The military escort routinely posted sentries and sent out scouts.
But where Schumer and Clinton poll anywhere from 2 to 30 points better among women than among men, Spitzer routinely posts a 4- to 14-point gap in the other direction.
Clancy, who routinely posted double-doubles during the season, was held to 12 points and 5 rebounds.
An armed deputy, routinely posted at the school, fired at the two student shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, within minutes after the gunfire erupted, the police say.
The Mexican passed Davide Valsecchi and his iSport team-mate Oliver Turvey in the opening phase of the race and immediately left the rest of the field behind, routinely posting laps more than a second quicker than his rivals to finally cross the line with a margin of 15.7 seconds.
The Gap Inc., which routinely posted double-digit comparable store sales figures last year, said its May same-store sales rose 3 percent.
He routinely posts the top swim and run times at his racing events, and even posted the third fastest run time on the Ironman World Championship course in 2011.
As a part of this support, he routinely posted editorials by liberals who oppose Clinton (Replacing the titles of their pieces with "Why I Hate Her" or similar) and then rebuts them.