The crew itself routinely practiced responding to alarms, fires and blowouts, and it was blessed with experienced leaders who clearly cared about safety.
A known Brazilian psychic healer who routinely practiced psychic surgery was Zé Arigó, who claimed to be channeling for a deceased medical doctor of name Dr. Fritz.
They played 61 exhibition games since Aug. 1, routinely practiced 90 minutes and endured grinds that included a 36-hour trip to Moscow.
A similar form of testing is used by people with diabetes for monitoring blood sugar levels, which is easily taught and routinely practiced.
After high school graduation, Holloway routinely practiced 8-12 hours a day along with sitting in with bands of all kinds, in jam sessions, which resulted in broadening his versatility.
It was a stark contrast from the methods of intimidation and brutality routinely practiced by superiors he had known during his career.
According to the testimony of doctors here, torture is practiced routinely by Indian security forces in Kashmir.
In addition to routinely practicing the blocks and procedures each night before leaving headquarters, the supervisors once again go over the plan for blocks on a dry-erase board.
It lies in a common-sense strategy routinely practiced by financial investors in the face of uncertainty: hedging your bets and spreading the risk.
In some types of fish farming it is practiced routinely, by exposing the embryos to hormones.